This year’s AGM is scheduled for Sunday 8th October. 2023
The Agricultural Business Centre, Bakewell, Derbyshire. This is a superb venue with plenty of indoor space for Trade Stands.
The Centre also offers excellent catering facilities that will include the provision of cooked breakfasts, a Carvery for Sunday lunches, coffee, teas and snacks. There is also a bar available.

We are now offering Trade Stand space to all who wish to avail themselves of this facility. There will, of course, be a charge made for the Stands starting from as little as £50 for the day. All tables and seating will be supplied.

Applications for trade stands should be made to either
Alan Bradshaw on 07966 297 874 or Harry Hartshorne on 07803 042 059
As well as trade stands there will also be several stick making demonstrations taking place throughout the day.
It is our intention to publicize this event and open it to the general public who will be charged a nominal entrance fee. All BSG Members & Spouses have free admittance, None Members £ 3-00 each.
Free car parking for all BSG members, get your ticket at the Entrance.
World Championship result for 2022

Winner Mr, Ian Smith

Runner Up Mr, David Gardner

Third Place Mr, Eddie Forster
Novice Winners
Winner Mr. John Howe

Runner Up Mrs. Carol Cook