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British Stickmakers Guild Constitution

01 The Guild shall be named the British Stickmaking Guild. Its objective is the promotion, cultivation and the art of making walking sticks, canes, staffs, and shepherds crooks.

02 No member shall use the name of the Guild or the Guilds logo in pursuance of professional or commercial interests on business cards, letterheads, or electronic communication in any form, without the prior written consent of the Committee of the Guild.
03 The President and Vice President shall be elected at the AGM of the Guild, and any proposed changes to those previously elected shall be notified to the Guild Secretary no later than 56 days prior to the next AGM. Life and Vice Presidents will be the subject of the recommendation by the Committee and the approval of the AGM of the Guild.
04 The Committee of the Guild shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon Secretary, Hon Stickmaker Editor/Public Relations Officer, Hon Treasurer, Hon Membership Secretary  plus another 10 members making a maximum of 17 Committee members herein after referred to as the Committee. Four Committee Members present shall form a quorum. Nominations for these offices shall be made to the Hon Secretary not later than 56 days prior to the AGM of the Guild and each nomination shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Guild. Should nominations for officers and Committee members exceed the above stated numbers then a postal vote will take place to ascertain membership of the Committee. Any vacancy due to resignation, death, or any other cause, may be filled by a member co-opted by the Committee to be confirmed at the next AGM by Guild members.   
05 The Guild shall not be dissolved as long as sixteen Guild Members are willing to continue. Should the Guild be dissolved, the assets of the Guild as defined by the auditor, will; after discharging all and every legitimate liability shall be passed to any charity or charities that the majority of the remaining members shall agree upon, for the sole use and benefit of the chosen charity or charities.
06 The general management of the Guild shall be vested in the Committee, which shall have full power to arrange and transact all the business of the Guild, to deal with any matters that may arise and are now provided for herein. They shall have the power to co-opt a Committee member and appoint sub committees for the special purposes of the Guild. The Chairman shall have the authority of a casting vote in the event of a tied vote at a Committee meeting or the AGM.
07 The Committee meetings shall be held as necessary and not less than three times each year. Adequate notice will be given to each Committee member of the date, time, and place of each meeting. Additional meetings can be convened to address Guild business.
08 Any member of the Guild not being a member of the Committee, may be invited by the consent of the Chairman to attend any committee meeting, and shall eligible to participate in any discussion, but would not be entitled to vote on any matter considered by the Committee.
09 The Annual General Meeting (The AGM) of the Guild shall be held as designated by the Committee. The date, time, and place will be notified to Guild members at the previous AGM and as appropriate in the Guild magazine. A Guild member may invite a friend to the meeting. Each visitor and member shall sign in as attending the meeting. This will form part of the record of the meeting. Visitors may not take part in discussion unless invited to do so by the Chairman. Visitors may not vote on any matter.  The Guild Secretary or his/her appointed deputy will record formal minutes of the meeting.
10 The Chairman shall have the power to convene a special meeting of the Committee for any specific purpose by informing the Guild Secretary. A special meeting can also be requested by receipt in writing by the Guild Secretary of a minimum of five percent of the Guild membership. Any special meeting called either by the Chairman of five percent of the membership must state the specific subject of the meeting. The special meeting must be convened no sooner than fourteen days and no later than three months following notification to the Secretary. At the special meeting only the subject stated by the Chairman or membership can be considered and voted upon.
11 The Constitution can only be altered or changed by a simple majority of the Guild membership voting at either the AGM or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Notice of any alteration or change to the Constitution must be submitted in writing to the Guild Secretary no later than 56 days prior to the published date of the next AGM or any special meeting.
12 Items for inclusion in the published agenda for the AGM must be submitted in writing no later than 56 days prior to the published dated of the AGM.
13 The Guild Treasurer shall receive all subscription and payments to the credit of the Guild, and shall be authorised to make all valid payments and dues as necessary and immediate on behalf of the Guild. All cheques made in payment must be signed by the Treasurer, payments in excess of £250 (two hundred and fifty pounds) must be countersigned by the Guild Secretary, or other authorised signatory The Guild Treasurer shall be accountable to the Committee and provide at each meeting a report of the income and expense of the Guild over the preceding period. The Treasurer shall be responsible for providing to the AGM written and professionally audited accounts of the Guild, for the 12-month calendar period ending the 31st of December of the year prior to the AGM date. The Guild Auditor shall be re-appointed at each AGM.
14 Each applicant for membership of the AGM must complete the printed or website form of application, returning it to the Guild Membership Secretary, together with remittance for membership. The Committee has the absolute right to refuse membership or to terminate membership.
15 Subscriptions and membership arrears. The annual subscription is payable in advance on the first day of January each year. Categories of membership are:  
    1. Full Membership not being an OAP.
    2. Membership who is an OAP  (An OAP may choose to pay full membership)
    3. Overseas member (Surcharges may be applicable on overseas membership to cover postage etc.)
    4. Couples (Entitlement to one copy of Guild magazine)
    5. Junior rate (Up to 16 years of age)
    The annual subscription charges shall be determined by the Committee, approved at the AGM and published on the membership application form.
    16 Any Guild member who does not pay his/her subscription by the 1st March in any year will receive a reminder and notified that no further magazines will be provided until subscription is renewed.
    17  Members with a valid paid annual subscription will be entitled to a copy of the guild magazine. The frequency of publication of the magazine will be determined by the Committee.
    18 Any member wishing to raise a formal complaint should notify the Guild Secretary in writing stating clearly the nature of the complaint. The Secretary will then provide the member with a copy of the Guilds complaints procedure so that the complaint may then be dealt with in accordance with that procedure by the Committee.