There are no qualifications required to becoming a member, although it is assumed that there is an interest in the ancient craft of stickmaking and/or collecting. Anyone can apply, but the constitution of the British Stickmakers Guild does provide for the committee to refuse any application that it feels is contrary to the interest of the Guild or its members.
Members can also purchase car stickers, ties and badges etc. (online shop coming soon) Membership is renewable annually, in advance, on the 1st of January (print members) or on the anniversary of your online membership.
International members are asked to pay an additional fee to cover the additional airmail costs involved. If you are interested in joining please download our application form. For the normal printed magazine membership please use the appropriate form for your locale.
Right Click the link and Choose Save As… UK Membership Application-Form-2023.pdf
For anyone outside of the UK Mainland,
membership can be obtained by downloading the form below. Overseas Membership Application-Form-2023.pdf
You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader (or similar app) to open the file.
But don’t fret if you don’t have it. You can obtain a FREE copy by following the button link below…

We now have a DIGITAL membership option. Find out more with the link below.
There are two options for members, the traditional membership included a printed copy of “The Stickmaker” magazine, while the online members will recive a dital copy in their members area.
Our overseas members may espesially wish to take a closer look at the online option, there is no postal charge for digital content and we are able to provide membership at the same rates our national members enjoy.